“Jim is one of the best grassroots leaders I have ever known, his books are required reading for all grassroots activists.”
– Brock Evans, retired VP National Audubon; head lobbyist Sierra Club; President of Endangered Species Coalition
“Jim Britell brought East Coast political street smarts to the Northwest ancient forest campaign.”
– Kathy Durbin, Tree Huggers: Victory, Defeat & Renewal in the Northwest Ancient Forest Campaign
“I have met literally thousands of grassroots activists. Jim Britell stands head and shoulders above the crowd.”
– Mark Dowie, author of Losing Ground, American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century
A veteran of over 100 grassroots campaigns Jim shares his experience in his books.
Organize to Win print edition, includes volumes 1-3. 463pp, $16.59

Lessons from hundreds of grassroots campaigns. A step-by-step guide to making change. Jim Britell, environmental activist and political organizer, shares what he has learned during 30 years helping local groups to organize and run effective campaigns.Organize To Win is a series of three books that distill lessons from hundreds of grassroots campaigns to show how anyone can stop bad projects. These guides lead you step-by-step through the minefields citizens, who try to effect change in their communities, must navigate.
Leading a successful grassroots campaign involves organizing people, holding meetings, writing letters, being interviewed, and negotiating with trained professionals and lawyers. You will be advocating in regulatory and political settings that your opponents have mastered. These books will teach you lessons learned from hundreds of campaigns in which ordinary people protected old growth forests, stopped destructive gold mining, prevented giveaways of public land, and halted proposed landfills.
Pacific Northwest Timber Wars 1989-1999, 169pp, $13.00

In books and articles about this conflict, Kalmiopsis Audubon was often singled out as one of the leaders in the fight to save the forests because we were the primary environmental group in a remote region that contained hundreds of thousands of acres of intact old growth and ancient forest. In the late 1980s, in just our region, hundreds of clearcut timber sales were in the queue, in various phases of preparation, up to and including trees tagged for clearcut, sale boundaries marked, timber auctions scheduled and even bids awarded. But today, nearly all of this old growth is still untouched and planned sales were cancelled or withdrawn, and much of the area was withdrawn from future logging.
These writings demonstrate the hard-hitting completed staff work that an independent volunteer local group is capable of producing and which is always the fundament of successful local activism. They give insight into the emotional roller coaster of day-to-day environmental advocacy. And they illustrate the range of issues a fully engaged, multi-issue, local group can encounter when people pay attention to what goes on behind the scenes in their community. Any group, in any town, in any state would find comparable numbers and ranges of issues that cry out for action if they but looked.
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